Fabi.ai April Product Updates

The next generation of notebooks is here: Smartbooks

This is by far our biggest release to date!

In the span of a month, Fabi.ai has evolved from a SQL-only solution to a full-blown data analysis platform with our Smartbooks. Users can now leverage AI to seamlessly interweave SQL and Python in a way that can’t be done in any other platform.

On top of that, we’ve introduced commenting so that you and your peers can work together towards the insights that move the needle for the business.

🐍 Python

SQL is amazing, but it can only take you so far. Real insights that move the business forward require deep analysis, best done in a language built for the job: Python. Now you can perfectly interweave the two and the AI understands this as well.

🤖 Re-imagined AI interface

Two pieces of feedback we heard:

  1. AI should be used for more than just code generation, data discovery is a key piece of the workflow

  2. You want to be able to review the code and ask follow-up questions before the AI blindly applies the code

In our brand new conversational AI interface, you can do all of the above. To quote one of our users who compared a few different solutions:

Fabi absolutely crushed on interaction between chat, code and data in a live-data environment.”

🎙 Commenting

What good are insights if you can’t share them, discuss them and iterate? Now in Fabi.ai you can collaborate with your peers in both Smartbooks and data apps. Bonus: you can see who is viewing your work at the same time or who has come in to check it out 👀.

🎁 Other goodies

  • AI output streaming: See the AI response as it’s being generated

  • Always-on kernels: You’ll never have to think about the status of a kernel if you don’t want to

  • Fixed: republish at any time